
Understanding and Working with Different Emotions in Social Work Clinical Practice
2024-12-10 - 2024-12-17
Working with different emotions has been a core difficulty in social work clinical
practice. This workshop aims at exploring and understanding the nature and functions
of each of the major categorical emotions, namely anger, sadness, fear, shame and
compassion. Anger can be destructive when it is under-regulated while it can be very
empowering when it is expressed assertively. Sadness can be overwhelming when we
experience losses while it can be soothing if it can be expressed in a goal-directed
path. Fear can be survival-threatening to us which makes us run away from, yet it can
strengthen our sense of existence if we dare to stay and live with it. Shame is a soul-
eating emotion which makes us feel shrinking, but it is the most honest emotion
telling us who we are. Apart from exploring different emotions individually, it is even
more important to understand how they are intimately intertwined with each other and
how they interplay with each other to appear as a complexity of mixed emotions.
With the unconditional acceptance and embracing compassion, we can truly be
ourselves with all our apparently unpleasant emotions which are in fact friendly
guidance of our core needs.

With an in-depth understanding of different emotions, we shall be able to choose
appropriate intervention strategies and skills to help those suffering from
overwhelming or detached emotions. This workshop introduces how to use a process-
experiential emotion-focused therapeutic approach to facilitate corrective emotional changes.
2024-10-18 - 2024-11-08
性格透視®是一套專業可靠的個性分析工具,經由多位加拿大性格專家多年努力研究的成果。 其哲學理念建基於人與生俱來有四種獨特的性格氣質傾向,不同的傾向促使人們在發展和建立自尊時,形成不同的性格表現。

四種個性分別為綠色探究型 (Inquiring Greens)、橙色多謀型 (Resourceful Oranges)、藍色真我型(Authentic Blues) 及金色組織型 (Organized Golds)。每種個性都有其獨特能力、核心需要、價值觀與壓力來源。 透過互動、有趣、不同形式的學習方法,參加者可從中認識不同的個性特質、學習彼此了解、促進互相接納、改善人際溝通與關係等。
2024-09-27 - 2024-10-04
1. 及早識別精神健康問題
2. 舒緩當事人的精神困擾及痛苦
3. 在問題進一步惡化前提供初步及適當的支援
4. 協助有需要人士尋求專業服務或運用合適的社區資源

2024-08-12 - 2024-08-19

“人本-存在主義技術性折衷法”初級班 專業證書課程2024
2024-08-06 - 2024-08-14
人本主義 (Humanistic Approach)
人本主義心理治療流派,始於美國心理學家卡爾.羅傑斯,本著人對生命的尊重、投入和體驗,於四十年代與心理分析及行為治療分庭抗爭,成為心理治療的第三波勢力。其中很多人本主義的概念都被視為治療師的基本功,如「共情(empathy)」,「無條件關懷(unconditional positive regard)」,「表裡一致(Congruency)」, 「平等協作關係(collaborative relationship)」等等。


存在主義 (Existential Therapy)
存在主義來源自著名的存在主義哲學學者理念, 如尼采、海德格爾、薩特等, 其後由Viktor Frankl, Rollo May, Irvin Yalom等發展成為心理治療其中一個流派。廣為人知的有Irvin Yalom所提出的四大終極關懷, 包括「死亡」, 「自由」, 「孤獨感」, 「生命無意義」, 成為瞭解人性的重要學術理論。

技術性折衷療法 (Technical Eclecticism / Multimodal Therapy)
1. 透過經驗學習法體驗不同種類遊戲帶領技巧
2. 體驗及學會多種遊戲玩法
3. 體驗及學習遊戲解說技巧