
「靜觀認知治療-生活」八星期課程 (第三十三期)
2025-05-08 - 2025-07-03
「靜觀認知治療」(Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy) 源自英國牛津靜觀中心總監 Dr. Mark Williams 及其他學者,為預防抑鬱症患者復發的實證心理治療。在2020 年,英國牛津靜觀中心發展了新的課程: 「靜觀認知治療-生活」(MBCT for Life) ,課程建基於 MBCT 的觀念和架構之上,結合靜觀和認知科學,旨在改善大部分人的心理健康,減低壓力,增強復原力和人類潛能的發展。
Module III : Integrative Neuro-Somatic Wholebody Focusing Oriented Approach to work on Collective Trauma
2025-09-03 - 2025-09-15
In our realities of systemic oppression and marginalization, people need to re-awakening their awareness of being oppressed and is ready to respond to the social justice issues, through felt sensing the oppression and experiencing its connection to the whole. This training aims at working on the collective liberation, unpacking oppressive social norms and systems, restoring inner strength through coherence building as a resource for healing collective trauma.

1. Learning how the socio-cultural & structural institutions shaped our social norms and dominant behaviors that have power over the oppressed; this understanding can radically empower our approaches to healing, resilience building and to social change.
2. Understand feeling safe is an embodied experience from the polyvagal perspective which provides a neurophysiologically-based to create strategies for the oppressed. This understanding helps to explain the significance of providing trauma-informed care practice.
3. Using Neuro-Somatic Wholebody Focusing Oriented process and skills to create a safe, empowering and healing environment for clients and groups to address the systemic oppression and collective liberation through the embodiment of self-sensing and resilience building.
Module II : Integrative Neuro-Somatic Focusing Oriented Approach to work on Attachment /Relational Trauma
2025-06-11 - 2025-06-30
This level of training aims at deepening focusing and somatic healing journey around the attachment injuries, and to explore the transformation power of neuro-somatic and wholebody focusing oriented approach to foster the healing in the form of compassionate and connectedness.

1. Learning Attachment Theory and the effects of attachment trauma from the neuroscience and Polyvagal perspective.
2. Compassionately renew a felt sense of security and connectedness
3. Helping client release stored tension in body that contribute to traumatic/distress response including defensives, anxiety, ambivalence and avoidance
4. Helping client expand the capacity to process the traumatic memories and stuck up emotions
5. Break the cycle of reenacting protective attachment patterns and restore the self-connectedness and in relationships
Learning Emotion-Focused Interventions:Tracking Emotional Experience through Narrative Process
2025-04-08 - 2025-04-15
People come to the counseling room with their autobiographical stories. All stories are shaped by emotional themes and the process of telling stories help one make sense of one’s emotions. The interplay between emotion and narrative is a dynamic process. An understanding of narrative process can enhance emotion-focused interventions efficiently and effectively. Working on emotional experience using experiencing-based tasks can help re-construct the meaning of narrative. Hence, understanding the narrative expression is the basis for facilitating emotional change and co-constructing a coherent sense of self. This workshop aims at addressing this parallel interacting process between emotional experience and narrative construction, while working towards corrective emotional experience, a reflective narrative meaning, new story outcomes and eventually a new emergence of self.
A two-days training workshop on Integrating Approach in Couple Work
2025-03-20 - 2025-03-27
It is commonly agreed that doing couple counselling is difficult for young professionals, even experienced ones. Couples come to therapy because they cannot talk to one another. There are many issues unfold in sessions with their different histories, psychologies, and copings. It is further loaded with challenging topics from concrete ones such as money, sex, and parenting to abstract ones on love, power or autonomy that quest for regulation and attunement. All these demands the therapist to juggle the balance in keeping the couple to engage and in the working of their problems so that they can differentiate and step up to grow in relationship.

This is the aim of this workshop on guiding therapist how to integrate the concept of person-centered approach in actively seeking to understand and to accept the clients’ presence; and the gestalt relational perspective in understanding client’s contact-making in their intimate relationship regarding their self-process. It may help participants to understand the client in wider perspectives regarding their suffering human nature that tackle their impasses and to open more course for change in the relationship.
The Neurobiological Understanding of Trauma and Neuro-Somatic Focusing Oriented Trauma Practice (M1)
2025-04-04 - 2025-04-12
This training module aims to the reduction of acute, dysregulated emotions and symptoms; and to increase client’s general capacity to regulate emotional states and self-integration.

1. To understand the neurobiological perspective of trauma and its impact.
2. Basic understanding on the Polyvagal Theory and its implications on the mind body & clinical practice.
3. Learning Wholebody Focusing and the felt sense.
4. Learning the Integrative Neuro-Somatic Wholebody Focusing Oriented Approach & skills to enhance stabilization, emotional regulation and mind body integration.