
Module III : Integrative Neuro-Somatic Wholebody Focusing Oriented Approach to work on Collective Trauma
2024-10-03 - 2024-10-26
In our realities of systemic oppression and marginalization, people need to re-awakening their awareness of being oppressed and is ready to respond to the social justice issues, through felt sensing the oppression and experiencing its connection to the whole. This training aims at somatic focusing on the collective liberation, unpacking oppressive social norms and systems, restoring inner strength through coherence building as a resource for collective trauma.

Learning how the socio-cultural & structural institutions shaped our social norms and dominant behaviors that have power over the oppressed; this understanding can radically empower our approaches to healing, resilience building and to social change.

Understand feeling safe is an embodied experience from the polyvagal perspective which provides a neurophysiologically-based to create strategies for the oppressed. This understanding helps to explain the significance of providing trauma-informed care practice.

Using Neuro-Somatic Wholebody Focusing Oriented process and skills to create a safe, empowering and healing environment for client to address the systemic oppression and collective liberation through the embodiment of self-sensing and resilience building.
Integrative Emotion Focused Interventions for Childhood Interpersonal Complex Trauma
2024-10-15 - 2024-10-22
This workshop aims at introducing an integrative model of emotion focused interventions on working with people who have experienced childhood interpersonal complex trauma. Every experienced and seasoned practitioner should develop a unique working model based on his/her attained knowledge base and intervention strategies. The goal is to help the above-said specific clientele becoming a holistic integrative person by resuming a reorganized sense of self.

The model introduced in this workshop is a theoretical integration including attachment theory, person-centered therapy, Gestalt therapy, contemporary emotion theory, neuroscience, mindfulness, and narrative analysis. It is fundamentally a dialectical process-experiential approach. Different intervention strategies based on the above framework would be discussed and demonstrated with case examples.
Transdiagnostic Emotion-Focused Interventions for People with Depressive Symptom 與您走出幽谷: 跨診斷情緒導向介入手法
2024-07-09 - 2024-07-16
Depression is one of the most common and debilitating mental health problems in Hong Kong. An estimate of 1 in 7 people in Hong Kong will experience a common mental disorder at any given time (Mind HK: 2021). People suffer from depression are not only overwhelmed with a cluster of feelings such as sadness, anxiety, suppressed anger, discouragement, helplessness, alienation, and hopelessness, but also experience an embodiment of poor self-image, diminishing sense of identity and pessimistic worldview. People with depressive symptoms disclaim their emotions and try to stay away from their core painful emotions. This dysfunctional way to cope with the painful emotions is how depression becoming problematic.

​This workshop aims at introducing how to use a transdiagnostic emotion focused approach to work with people manifesting depressive symptoms. Most people, who suffer from mental health difficulties like depression, usually present symptomatic disturbances, such as prolonged low mood, lack in motivation, insomnia, suicidal ideation, etc. Emotion Focused Therapy is not just working on symptoms treatment or reduction of presenting symptomatic emotions, but addressing underlying feelings and needs with the goal of transforming core painful feelings.

​This workshop aims at equipping participants with practical emotion-focused intervention skills in the process of therapeutic change using transdiagnostic emotion focused case conceptualization.
Module II : Integrative Neuro-Somatic Focusing Oriented Approach to work on Attachment /Relational Trauma
2024-06-27 - 2024-07-13
This level of training aims at deepening focusing and somatic healing journey around the attachment injuries, and to explore the transformation power of neuro-somatic and wholebody focusing oriented approach to foster the healing in the form of compassionate and connectedness.

Learning the Attachment Theory and the effects of attachment trauma from the neuroscience and Polyvagal perspective.
Compassionately renew a felt sense of security and connection
Helping client release stored tension in body that contribute to traumatic/distress response including defensives, anxiety, ambivalence and avoidance
Helping client expand the capacity to process the traumatic memories and unprocessed emotions
Break the cycle of reenacting protective attachment patterns and restore the self-connectedness and in relationships
Learning EFT: Tracking Emotional Experience through Narrative Process
2024-05-21 - 2024-05-28
People come to the counseling room with their autobiographical stories. All stories are shaped by emotional themes and the process of telling stories help one make sense of one’s emotions. The interplay between emotion and narrative is a dynamic process. An understanding of narrative process can enhance emotion-focused interventions efficiently and effectively. Working on emotional experience using experiencing-based tasks can help re-construct the meaning of narrative. Hence, understanding the narrative expression is the basis for facilitating emotional change and co-constructing a coherent sense of self. This workshop aims at addressing this parallel interacting process between emotional experience and narrative construction, while working towards corrective emotional experience, a reflective narrative meaning, new story outcomes and eventually a new emergence of self.