We enhance the individuals and the families who suffer from extra-marital affair to manage the problem in positive way so as to reduce the possible harm or tragedies brought from the affair.
Service Objective
- Facilitate the individuals or the families who encountered the risk brought from the extra-marital affairs to manage the problem in order to reduce the possible harm
- Arouse public concern on the possible harms to the individuals or the families brought from Extra-marital affairs
Service Target
- The individuals, the families who are emotionally distressed brought from the Extra-marital affairs
- General public
Service Content
- Extra-marital affairs hotline: 3161 6666 (Counseling hotline answered by social worker, from 1200-2300, Mondays to Fridays)
- Therapeutic groups: to reduce the hurt brought from the spouses' affairs, to help them to recover and to re-establish their living
- Female Non-participatory Party Group
- Male Non-participatory Party Group
- Peer Support:
- Peer Line: 3524 4066 (Answered by the Peer volunteers who are also recovered from the spouses' affair so as to provide support and care to the newcomers, from 1600-2100, every Wednesday)
- FNPP support group: Organize every two months, aim at helping the women who suffer from their husbands' affairs
- Community Education
- To provide the talks or workshops to public about the topic of “Extra-marital affairs”