Caritas Lok Heep Club was founded in 1968 with two centers located in Kowloon district and Hong Kong Island. We provide counselling service to people who are being affected by drug abuse issue, regardless the nationality, age, gender or types of drug. We facilitate people to tackle drug abuse problem and rebuild healthy lifestyle.
1. Assisting clients to quit drug abuse and manage related problems
2. Assisting ex-drug abusers to maintain abstinence
3. Assisting family members of drug abusers to deal with problems related with drug abuse and
4. Organizing drug prevention programmes
Target Service Recipients
1. Drug abusers
2. Ex-drug Abusers
3. Family members of drug/ ex-drug abusers and
4. The public
Service Content
Counselling Service
- Our social workers apply Integrative Family and Systems
- Treatment (I-FAST) into casework service. It assists clients to formulate rehabilitation treatment plan and tackle drug problem by enhancing the family functioning
- Our social workers also apply Trauma-informed Care approach for case assessment. It enhances awareness of the correlation between trauma and drug behavior, so as to strive for a stable rehabilitation
- Referral to other services (including accommodation, job, marriage counselling, or other health care or residential drug rehabilitation services)
Groups and Programmes
Drug Abusers and Ex-drug Abusers
- Psychological Trauma Healing Group enhances the awareness and resilience of traumatic experience, so as to promote stable rehabilitation from drug behavior
- Relapse Prevention Group helps enhancing the motivation of drug rehabilitation and equipping members with relapse prevention skills
- Developmental/Interest/Voluntary Groups assist members to build up healthy lifestyle, enhance personal growth and develop potentials
Family Members of Drug Abusers and Ex-drug Abusers
- Codependence Therapeutic Group assists the family members to be aware of codependency tendency. It promotes family members to adopt functional interaction pattern with drug abusers and to practice self-care
- Home Visiting Group creates platform for trained family volunteers to provide care for family members who are also being affected by drug issue
- Family Members Mutual Support Group helps the members to exchange experiences and get emotional support
- Educational Group for Family Members equips family members with basic knowledge and skills for handling drug abuse problem in their families
Onsite Medical Support Services
- Psychiatric nurse assists drug abusers to tackle physical, emotional and mental issues, including providing basic assessment on physical and mental status.
- Referrals to specialist treatment
Other Services
Drug Tests
- Urine test and hair test
Community-based Drug Prevention Education Training
- Drug prevention seminars for the public
- Drug prevention programmes for employees
- Professional training for teachers and social workers
Opening Hours
Hong Kong Centre
Monday、Wednesday and Thursday (10:00-18:00)
Tuesday and Friday (10:00-22:00)
Saturday (9:00-13:00)
Sunday and public holiday (closed)
Kowloon Centre
Monday to Wednesday (10:00-18:00)
Thursday and Friday (10:00-22:00)
Saturday (9:00-13:00)
Sunday and public holiday (closed)
Hong Kong Centre
12/F Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wanchi, Hong Kong
Tel: 2893 8060
Kowloon Centre
1-4 Yiu Tung House, Tung Tau Estate, Kowloon
Tel: 2382 0267